14 research outputs found

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Evaluation of Brazilian emerging ejournals in Science and technology : a proposed methodology based on analysis of links to ejournal's site

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    This paper reports the results of a research project, sponsored by CNPq – the Brazilian Council for the Development of Science an Technology -, which develop an evaluation methodology for the emerging Brazilian ejournals in Science and. In Information Science, citation is a traditional measure of prestige for a scientific journal. Brazilian ejournals are a recent reality in Brazilian Web scenario. One of the main barriers to increase their use by Brazilian academic community is the lack of systematic evaluation, like that provided by ISI’s impact factor. The proposed methodology were based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the links to the site of the ejournal, obtained by submitting its URL to Google search engine. The methodology considers not only the number of links directed to a site, but also the existence of qualitative links, those of “authorities” sites in an specific knowledge area, and those of non-Brazilian institutions. “Authorities”, in Brazilian scientific scenario, are considered sites of institutions like specialized or academic libraries, sites of scientific or professional associations and sites of important post graduation programs in a specific area; non-Brazilian sites were also considered qualitative links, because they indicate the reach of an ejournal. These different kinds of links were weighted and used to calculate a grade to an ejournal site, as an indicator of its relevance in a knowledge area. The methodology was first tested and fine tuned in Information Science area and then applied to Brazilian ejournals of several knowledge areas.. This paper reports the results and discusses future developments such as how the methodology could be automated and made available through a web site, having as input URLs of the ejournal site and URLs of community agreed “authorities” sites in a given area. This proposal, in the scope of Brazilian public policies concerning scientific and technological information, could constitute in an cooperative evaluation web resource to the Brazilian scientific community, in addition to other resources like the SciELO gateway (http://www.scielo.br) and the CAPES scientific journals gateway (http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br)

    Avaliação de periódicos eletrônicos brasileiros em Ciência e Tecnologia: uma proposta de metodologia baseada na análise de “links” para o “site” do periódico.

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    Resultado preliminar de projeto de pesquisa patrocinado pelo CNPq/UFF, com a finalidade de desenvolver uma metodologia de avaliação para periódicos eletrônicos brasileiros em Ciência e Tecnologia, considerados “emergentes” pela pesquisa. A metodologia proposta se espelha no fator de impacto utilizado pelo ISI – Institut for Scientic Information, é baseada na análise quantitativa e qualitativa de “links” efetuados para o “site” de um periódico eletrônico, obtido através da submissão de sua URL ao “site” de busca Google. Considera não somente a quantidade de “links” direcionados ao “site” mas, também, a existência de “sites” considerados autoridade na área do periódico pesquisado. Propõe uma fórmula para calcular o grau de relevância do periódico analisado, que deverá ser confirmado através da opinião de especialista da área

    A motivação no processo de desenvolvimento dos recursos humanos da Biblioteca Universitária: pontos para reflexão.

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    Alerta os gestores de recursos humanos para o fato da motivação ter seu sentido desvirtuado do conhecimento científico sempre que considerado sob o ponto de vista prático. Aponta o TQC como um método gerencial focado principalmente nas pessoas e a importância da qualidade com ênfase nas pessoas. Apresenta como a motivação deve ser entendida face às contribuições da psicologia

    A proposed model of knowledge representation and the coding of knowledge embedded in texts of Web published scientific articles

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    This article reports results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records in XML the article contribution, new knowledge and scientific novelty. The use of XML language to represent this knowledge enables its processing by intelligent software agents Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Web environment. The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    A função gerencial na biblioteca universitária.

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    Comenta sobre o fato de as bibliotecas universitárias serem consideradas organizações que interagem constantemente com o meio ambiente que as cerca, o que exige dos bibliotecários conhecimentos e habilidades específicas, que os permitam atuar com eficiência neste cenário mutante e economicamente instável. Constata que, apesar de se caracterizarem como uma organização sem fins lucrativos, esta turbulência ambiental lhes confere algumas características semelhantes às das empresas privadas. Faz referência às teorias administrativas, principalmente à Teoria Contingencial, objetivando informar sobre as tendências gerenciais para as organizações contemporâneas neste tempo de mudanças. Apresenta a abordagem clássica para as funções gerenciais, mostrando a existência de outras abordagens, especialmente a dos papéis gerenciais de Mintzberg. Tenta mostrar que características preconizadas pelo contingencialismo podem ser adotadas também pelas unidades de informação, apresentando duas experiências ocorridas em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras

    A função gerencial na biblioteca universitária

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    Comenta sobre o fato de as bibliotecas universitárias serem consideradas organizações que interagem constantemente com o meio ambiente que as cerca, o que exige dos bibliotecários conhecimentos e habilidades específicas, que os permitam atuar com eficiência neste cenário mutante e economicamente instável. Constata que, apesar de se caracterizarem como uma organização sem fins lucrativos, esta turbulência ambiental lhes confere algumas características semelhantes às das empresas privadas. Faz referência às teorias administrativas, principalmente à Teoria Contingencial, objetivando informar sobre as tendências gerenciais para as organizações contemporâneas neste tempo de mudanças Apresenta a abordagem clássica para as funções gerenciais, mostrando a existência de outras abordagens, especialmente a dos papéis gerenciais de Mintzberg. Tenta mostrar que características preconizadas pelo contingencialismo podem ser adotadas também pelas unidades de informação, apresentando duas experiências ocorridas em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras.Si

    Avaliação de periódicos eletrônicos acadêmicos brasileiros: uma proposta de método baseado na análise de links para o site do periódico

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    Este artigo é resultado de projeto de pesquisa patrocinada pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, com a finalidade de desenvolver um método de avaliação para periódicos eletrônicos brasileiros em ciência e tecnologia, considerados emergentes pela pesquisa. O método se propõe a ser uma alternativa ao fator de impacto utilizado pelo Institute for Scientific Information; é baseado na análise quantitativa e qualitativa de links efetuados para o site de um periódico eletrônico, obtidos por meio da submissão de sua URL ao site de busca Google. Considerou-se não somente a quantidade de links direcionados ao site, mas também a existência de sites considerados autoridades na área do periódico pesquisado e links de instituições estrangeiras feitos para o site do periódico. O artigo propõe uma fórmula para calcular o grau de relevância do periódico analisado, atribuindo pesos a diferentes tipos de links. Os resultados obtidos foram validados por meio da opinião de especialistas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento

    A proposed model of knowledge representation and the coding of knowledge embedded in texts of Web published scientific articles

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    This article reports results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records in XML the article contribution, new knowledge and scientific novelty. The use of XML language to represent this knowledge enables its processing by intelligent software agents Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Web environment. The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Ontological and conceptual bases for a scientific knowledge model in biomedical articles - DOI: 10.3395/reciis.v3i1.240en

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    Scientific articles published in electronic format are knowledge bases, specially in Medicine. An obstacle to semantic processing of this knowledge by computers is that, in spite of their digital format, articles are in text format for human reading and processing. A model is proposed to electronic publishing scientific articles both in textual format and in machine “understandable” format, in ontology format. The model is based in insights from Philosophy and Methodology of Science and in the results of analysis of 75 scientific articles in Medicine. Software agents can process the content of an article thus enabling semantic retrieval, consistence checking and the identification of new discoveries